Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Be nice! Or I will blog about it!

Dear health care professionals........

You have chosen a profession in the health care field.
You have chosen to work with patients.
Patients are not the enemy.

Patients are people.

People faced with diseases, disorders, syndromes,and ailments.
People who are sick, wounded, hurting, and broken.
People who are frightened,nervous, confused, sad, and vulnerable.
People that have turned to you for help.

Your patients expect you to be knowledgeable, confident, and curious.
Not arrogant and dismissive.

Patients are people.

People with their own truth.
Do not presume to know it.
Do not make negative assumptions about their behavior.
Please ask questions.
That needy, sensitive, and overly emotional patient could have been beaten, abused,
molested, or raped.
You do not know her truth.
You can do your job effectively and remain mindful of the human spirit that resides inside a damaged body.
Or...you can fix the body and damage the spirit.
It is your choice.
Your choice to work with kindness.
Your choice to work with patience.


  1. Maybe we should give that to every doctor, just to remind them... I couldn't have said it better.
