Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My people

I have found my people on the facebook Ehlers Danlos group page. Their post
You know you have EDS if...... told me so. For your enjoyment and a little insight into EDS here is a bit of the list.

You know you have EDS if......
The highlight of your day is bedtime.

Even your dish detergent is fragrance free.

Your most prized possessions are your wrist braces.

You can't lose weight because all of your meds say to take with food

You didn't realize that not everyone can put sun tan lotion on their own back.

You leave the caps off of your medications so you won't have to take them off again.

While bending over to tie your shoes you wonder what else you can accomplish while you are down there.

Your favorite game is guess how I got this bruise

You can't remember if the post it note reminding you to take your pills is from today or the one you just wrote for tomorrow.

You head to the bathroom, stub your toe, sit down to check out your injury then start to watch TV and forget to go to the bathroom.

Medical students flock to the examination room to ooh and ahhh at you.

You are on a first name basis with your doctors.

Your calendar has more doctor's appointments than meetings

Every guy you ever dated remembers you soft skin.

You've ever laughed and dislocated something.

Your "to do" list has two things on it and you don't get one done.


  1. I don't know if I should admit it or not, but this made me spit my water out I was laughing so hard. Who would have thought some unidentified person in this world could have written something that describes my BFF so perfectly. Especially the fragrence free dish detergent, guess where I got this bruise game, forgetting things, medical students and first name basis w/ docs. So glad you found your "other" peeps...I say "other" because I will forever be your "real" peeps:-)

  2. You are right my love. You are my "real" peeps.
    That would be the reason these are as funny to you as they are to me. We played "look at this bruise" and "I have no idea how I got that bruise"
    just tonight. Didn't we?
