Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Needy Women

Women have a way of stepping up to the plate with such gentle strength when they are needed. Their nurturing instinct prepared to do service when duty calls. These days the women in my life have rallied around me with their gentle loving spirit and kindness. They seem to know what it is that I need and more importantly what I don't need. I do not need sympathy.I need understanding and respect for what it is I am going through. I do not need doubt and questions.I need friends that care enough to inform themselves about my condition so my illness will not consume our every conversation. I need trust. Although it is not ideal, those closest to me know the relief and sadness that came hand in hand with my diagnosis of EDS and they trust that I have come to this place honestly. It is not my job to convince anyone of my illness. I need someone to listen when I'm frustrated by the absurd and insensitive things people say. I do not need advice. I need a little help around the house. I do not need to give up my life. But most of all...I need to laugh, a cold beer, live music, and a heaping plate of nachos.


  1. Well said my dear friend...well said! As always, I am truly amazed by your ability to express yourself with such grace. You make it so easy to FEEL what you are feeling. I'm always here on your left when things don't go right:-)

  2. Beer and nochos. I have two girls who like to clean!
